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Eco Bloc to march with massive global justice parade against FTAA on Nov 20!
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Eco Bloc to march with massive global justice parade against FTAA on Nov 20!

Global Justice Ecology Project
November 10th, 2003
First Eco-Bloc, September 2002, Washington, DC march on the World Bank led by Oscar Olivera, (center) executive secretary of the Cochabamba Federation of Factory Workers (Bolivia) and spokesperson for the Coalition in Defense of Water and Life.  Olivera led a successful citizen movement against the Bolivian government, the World Bank and multinational corporations' demands and succeeded in keeping the water system under local public control.

NOVEMBER 20, 2003

All people of conscience are invited to join the Eco-Bloc contingent of the major march on November 20, 2003 in Miami, FL to show our opposition to the ecologically devastating Free Trade Area of the Americas and to show solidarity with workers, indigenous peoples and all exploited people whom the FTAA will impact.  This is also a celebration of the life we share with all beings on Earth.

The plan is for the Eco-Bloc march to be led by indigenous peoples and others from the Global South who are either impacted by or are working to oppose the degradation of the environment that accompanies free trade.  We are asking those who will participate in the Eco-Bloc march to wear green and wave earth flags and other environmental banners and signs to provide a powerful visual symbol of our concern for free trade's impacts on the earth.

We  envision workers, social justice activists and environmentalists joining together to demonstrate the fact that economic/social justice and ecology are two sides of the same coin.  It's time to bring back the "Teamster-Turtle" Alliance that formed on the streets of Seattle during the WTO Ministerial in 1999.

This Eco-Bloc is part of a larger effort to bring more ecological awareness into the debate around free trade and to help develop more of an analysis about the impacts of economic globalization within the environmental movement.  The intent of this is to build a stronger and more focused Ecology Movement.  Hopefully, these Eco-Blocs will also provide an influx of new energy into the Global Justice Movement by attracting environmental activists who have previously not been involved.

The overall objective of this alliance building is to unify social and environmental movements toward a powerful, effective and unstoppable campaign for Global Justice.

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