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Eco Bloc! / Earth Cluster
EcoBloc! / Earth Cluster
"Community Building - Solutions Forum"
Eco Bloc to march with massive global justice parade against FTAA on Nov 20!
10 Ways YOU can Plug into the Eco Bloc:
On Climate Change & Social Change: The Eco Bloc and Building A Global Ecology Movement
Eco Bloc Call to Action!
Gapatista Roadshow + Miami FTAA/Gap Action!


Monday Nov. 17 at 2pm The Earth Cluster will kick off it's Miami festivities with the Gapatistas action against The Gap! "We'd rather wear nothing than wear The Gap!"

Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th Everyone is invited to the Green Bloc permaculture garden project at 14th St. between 2nd & 3rd Avenues where there will be all day skill shares both days. The garden project will highlight alternatives to the agribusiness paradigm and ecocide of the FTAA.

Wednesday the 19th the Green Bloc will host a
Community Building - Solutions Forum from 10am-5pm at the Wallflower Gallery. Practical workshops and teach-ins will showcase and discuss permagardens, environmental racism, composting, water catchments and more! Cultivate the knowledge to build the world you want to live in. Space is limited. This event is RSVP only at greenbloc [at]

Back at the Garden the Earth Cluster will be bringing it's message of Global Justice and Global Ecology and plant the seeds of social change with a press conference event in the morning. All are invited to come out and show your support. Wear green!

The Earth Cluster will take to the streets the evening of the 19th with a mobile street protest against the corporate lobbyists and FTAA delegates attending the Americas Business Forum Nov.16-19. Actions are tentatively planned for 5-7pm. More information as it becomes available.

Thursday the 20th! The Earth cluster will join the global chorus and the thousands in Miami calling for an end to the FTAA and Empire! Gathering in the morning at 7am, the Earth Cluster, in various forms and tactics, will manifest a visually powerful image of an ecological and sane future! The Pagan Cluster's Living River, the EcoBloc's sea of green, the Killer Tomatoes, and the Green Bloc with their plants and trees will be taking the streets to STOP THE FTAA! Join us to save the planet and the future!

Friday the 21st "This is what Democracy looks like!"
A day to celebrate our victories, manifest a solidarity economy, and practice direct democracy in the streets, neghborhoods, gardens etc. of Miami!

We will Converge at 10am at Miami Arena and go on a permitted march to the fence with music, puppets, and the tools to build a solidarity economy and Really, Really, Really Free Market/Bazaar. We will expose the fence as symbol of the anti-democracy, and anti-earth FTAA.

We will manifest direct democracy with peoples' assemblies, corp. actions, transforming green spaces, free food, street-level teachins, free-market bazaar (ie bringing stuff to share, exchange, trade, barter, etc), celebration, music, joy! We will present a real alternative to the
capitalistic model of the FTAA and the economic occupation and ecocide it would further impose on peoples of the global south and beyond.

You should bring your own versions of local and alternative currencies to trade for any and all sorts of things; food, flowers, posters, zines, whatever. We will have a loud 'Si se puede' People's Assembly where we showcase direct democracy and an alternative trade and consumer model, ie: FREE STUFF!

More details coming soon. Stay Tuned! was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on