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Eco Bloc! / Earth Cluster
EcoBloc! / Earth Cluster
"Community Building - Solutions Forum"
Eco Bloc to march with massive global justice parade against FTAA on Nov 20!
10 Ways YOU can Plug into the Eco Bloc:
On Climate Change & Social Change: The Eco Bloc and Building A Global Ecology Movement
Eco Bloc Call to Action!
Gapatista Roadshow + Miami FTAA/Gap Action!

ECO BLOC Call to Action!

We Are Stronger than Greed or Fear!


Its time to rise up and unite for an ecological future!


MIAMI FLORIDA November 19-21st Nonviolent Direct Action

Join the Eco Bloc In Miami and Beyond! Derail FTAA! Stop the War on the Earth and Mobilize for Ecology & Democracy!

Ecology vs. Empire
The imperial wars for oil and domination destroy lives, cultures, and the Earth to feed the fossil fuel economy, while both poles are melting and the sixth mass extinction accelerates. Corporate globalization and U.S. militarism are literally killing the life support systems of the planet. State terror and unjust trade deals drive farmers and Indigenous Peoples from their land. Agreements like FTAA and WTO favor agribusiness and genetically engineered crops, resulting in terminator technologies and turning farmers-the stewards of the land and keepers of biodiversity-into serfs to corporations. The borders swing open to transnational companies to plunder at will, while the same borders become militarized zones preventing the free movement of people. Bush's Empire policies have isolated the US, driven unemployment to a 20-year high, and rolled back environmental protections that took generations of struggle to implement.

What is the Eco-Bloc?
If you are fighting for global justice, for freedom from tyranny, for self-determination, for peoples' food sovereignty, for dignity and democracy, for forests and a future for life on Earth, the eco-bloc is YOU. Eco Bloc is a tactic for advancing an earth-centered critique of corporate Empire, and making the ecology movement visible by creating a new symbol of the ecology movement - people (like you) in green organized and marching in the streets!

The Eco Bloc is a street level convergence to confront the corporate takeover of water, biodiversity, land, and life with creative nonviolent direct action. Ecology is understanding that, like an ecosystem, societies are interconnected and interdependent. Ecology is unity in diversity, and freedom in complementarity. Ecology is not admiring pretty landscapes; it is defending the Earth because we are part of it. The Eco Bloc is about moving beyond single-issue environmentalism towards a true global ecology movement, and joining the world rejecting neoliberalism, a genetically engineered society, corporate control and US Empire.

The Eco Bloc will physically manifest these ideas by marching in green to create a visually powerful image of an ecological future.

Come to Miami November 19th-21st 2003 to Resist the FTAA with nonviolent direct action to reclaim ecology and a future for life on Earth!

Eco bloc will converge on Miami November 19-21 to show the world that we are building a movement for ecology and democracy in America. Eco Bloc will organize in tandem with Green Bloc, who will bring tools for ecological reconstruction onto the world stage with an eco-village of sane technologies for renewable energy and peoples' food sovereignty. Together we will plant the seeds of social change, and project a vision of remaking a free society. Together we will march in green, with green flags, noise brigades, and symbols of biodiversity, hope and change.

And Eco Bloc will continue as a "Beyond Voting Track" to election year madness. Eco Bloc will emerge in New Hampshire in January 2004 at the Peoples' Primary-as a parallel project to the presidential primary race that will contrast ecological sanity and direct democracy with the endless war on Iraq, on workers, and on the Earth. Eco Bloc will march in April to decry the greed and injustice of the World Bank and IMF on their 60th anniversary. Eco Bloc will confront the Biotech industry in San Francisco in June (while Green Bloc spreads the vision of ecological agriculture with gardening galore) at Biodevastation/Biojustice 2004. Eco Bloc will continue to mobilize for peace, ecology ad democracy at the Democratic (Boston) and Republican (New York) National Conventions. And Eco Bloc will continue at an anti-war demonstration, civil liberties rally, or picket line near you!



## Bring your friends. Bring green cloth, flags, and banners with Earth Centered messages. Eco Bloc & Green Bloc encourage you to bring seeds, plants, and seedling trees to transform Miami with edible landscapes. Dress up like your favorite endangered species. Bring voices and sound makers. Bring symbols of biodiversity, hope, and change!

## You're invited to an Eco Bloc strategy session in Miami to forge a vision for sustained Eco Blocs in 2004 and beyond! This session will emerge out of the Green Bloc eco-village and skill share project, which will showcase sane technologies for life on Earth.

## Click here for emerging details on eco bloc action, the eco bloc strategy meeting in Miami and nonviolent direct action scenarios.

## Eco Bloc is in the process of Merging with other blocs and affinity groups to organize as an "EARTH CLUSTER" for mass nonviolent direct action on November 19-21st as part of a mass movement of workers, students, farmers, peace activists, and others who are mobilizing on Miami to derail the FTAA.

eco-bloc [at]

Call Issued by:

Institute for Social Ecology Biotechnology Project
Smart Meme Project/Wake Up America Campaign
Global Justice & Ecology Project

Endorse this Call: email eco-bloc [at]

## Eco Bloc is in the process of Merging with other blocs and affinity groups to organize as an "EARTH CLUSTER" for mass nonviolent direct action on November 19-21st as part of a mass movement of workers, students, farmers, and others who are mobilizing for Miami to derail the FTAA. was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on