Stop the FTAA
About the FTAA
Organizing Tools
FTAA Organizing
Miami Mobilization
News Room
Local Groups
Miami Activist Defense

Organizing Tools
Why Direct Action?
Why an Affinity Group?
Media Tools for Organizing

Organizing Tools

Tools to Derail the FTAA

Why Nonviolent Direct Action?
Why use the tactic of direct action and the use of creativity in resistance

What is an Affinity Group? Information and Resources
Learn what an affinity group is and how you can form one for resistance to the FTAA in Quebec or your home town.

How do I deal with the Corporate Media? Tools for making the news effective
Learn vital media skills like how to write a press release, host a press conference, and give a bullet proof TV interviews.

Principles and practices from the Los Angeles Direct Action Network was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on