Stop the FTAA
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We are in Miami!
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Eco Bloc! / Earth Cluster
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Eco Bloc! / Earth Cluster
EcoBloc! / Earth Cluster
"Community Building - Solutions Forum"
Eco Bloc to march with massive global justice parade against FTAA on Nov 20!
10 Ways YOU can Plug into the Eco Bloc:
On Climate Change & Social Change: The Eco Bloc and Building A Global Ecology Movement
Eco Bloc Call to Action!
Gapatista Roadshow + Miami FTAA/Gap Action!

10 Ways YOU can Plug into the Eco Bloc:

1) Forward this call to action to all your friends, comrades and contacts!

2) Get Your Organization or Affinity Group to Endorse this Call to Action! (Click here for more on Affinty Groups)

3) Form an Affinity Group and head to Miami November 19-21 and join up with the Eco Bloc! Come to Miami Early if you can to help with convergence logistics, Outreach, and the Green Bloc Village.

4) Email eco-bloc [at] to ‘check-in’ your affinity group NOW!

5) Get lots of green fabric, body paint, green bandanas, or green clothes to help the Eco Bloc create a powerful visual statement of unity!

6) Collect seedlings, seeds (non GMO!), plants and baby trees for the Green Bloc edible landscape project! Bring your gardening gear and gather vines, branches, and transformative objects for reclaiming a space for ecology and democracy!

7) Plug in. Visit often and get up to speed on the emerging scenarios for eco-bloc/Earth Cluster, download eco-bloc posters and flyers, and plug into the convergence. You can also learn more about/subscribe to the “ftaa-da” list, or the “green bloc” list, by visiting:

8)Write a letter to the editor of your hometown paper saying why you are joining the Eco Bloc in Miami—either in person or in solidarity—and cc a copy to: eco-bloc [at]

9) Spread the word about Eco Bloc and form an Eco Bloc in Your Town, as part of Miami solidarity action and beyond!

10) Send Money! Eco Bloc Needs Your heart, your body, and your donation! Funds are needed for things like props/materials, posters/printing, phone time, and media outreach. Send tax-deductible donations to 1118 Maple Hill Road Plainfield Vermont 05667 (made out to ISE—please note the donation is for the Eco Bloc). was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on