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Continental Days of Resistance Against the FTAA
October 27 to November 1, 2002
Quito, Ecuador, May 28, 2002

The following call to action was put out by the National Campaign Against the FTAA (Ecuador), a coalition of most of Ecuador's social movement organizations and many NGO's, including the CONAIE (the national indigenous federation), the CONFEUNASSC-CNC (the most powerful national campesino organization), the CEOSL (the largest labor federation), the Campamento Internacional Permanente Por la Justicia Social y la Dignidad de los Pueblos, Accisn Ecolsgica, ALAI, and other groups.

The networks, continental campaigns, and social organizations of our respective countries, committed to the campaign against the FTAA, call for continental participation and support for the Days of Resistance and Struggle against the FTAA that are planned for the city of Quito, from the 27th of October to the 1st of November of this year.

In the moment that the ministers of commerce of the 34 countries of America (with the exception of Cuba) meet in Quito, behind closed doors, to continue negotiating the so-called Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the social movements and Peoples of our continent will meet in Ecuador in order to show our complete rejection of this model of integration that our governments, committed as they are to neoliberalism, would like to impose on every one of our countries.

Under the false pretext that the FTAA will bring progress and well-being to our peoples, our governments have committed themselves to negotiating a type of integration that will consolidate the hegemony of the U.S. via political, economic, and military domination. They hope to put this plan of integration, which stretches from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, into effect by 2005.

As was demonstrated in the second Peoples Summit in Quibec and in the massive mobilizations in Porto Alegre, the fight against the FTAA must continue on all fronts because:

The FTAA will bring our peoples more social exclusion, more unemployment, more poverty, more debt, including the end of the minimal social gains workers have realized through struggle.

The FTAA will also bring a greater level of militarization and control of the natural resources of the continent, through the imposition of Plan Colombia, the Andean Regional Initiative, and Plan Puebla Panama.

The FTAA will strengthen the domination of larger economies over smaller ones. The U.S. and Canada alone represent almost 80% of the combined GDP of the continent, the other 33 countries sharing between them the remaining 20 percent. In this context, we know that a model like the FTAA, whose principal goal is to permit massive investment by transnational corporations, will only weaken further our economies, eroding the sovereignty of the nations of the Americas and impeding any development based in diversity, multiculturality, equity and social justice.

For these reasons, for our right to sovereignty, for the right of our peoples to just, democratic, environmentally-sound development, for justice, for life, against neoliberalism, against debt, for an end to militarism and the domination of the United States over our continent, we will all be united and present in Quito to STOP the FTAA. We will be in Quito so that the Ministers of Commerce and their partners hear our total rejection of this model of imperial domination with which the U.S. is hoping to consolidate its domination over all the continent.

These days in Quito will be days of struggle and resistance, as well as days of popular education, reflection, analysis, of cultural and artistic expression that represents the multicultural and multi-sectoral richness of our struggles. We will be thousands, coming from all 35 countries, making our voices heard, in order to say, loud and strong:

No to the FTAA!
Yes to Life!
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