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First Ever Amazonian Youth Meeting Against the FTAA!
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This weekend, over 100 youth from the Amazonian region of Ecuador gathered in Tena, Napo to attend the first ever youth conference around the theme of the FTAA. The conference, called together by the CONFEUNASSC-CNC Ecuador's largest campesino organization, with the support of the CONFENIAE, Ecuador's largest Amazonian organization, and Acciòn Ecologica, one of Ecuador's most progressive environmental organizations, is one of the many youth conferences now taking place across the country in preparation for the upcoming mobilization in Quito against the FTAA. These organizations recognize the power and organizational skills of the youth of Ecuador and, unlike the popular media, will not leave this important sector with out the necessary tools to protect their land and their rights.

The conference took place by the beautiful Rio Tena at the heart of a moist a blossoming jungle: the perfect setting to both remember the importance and wonder of the Amazon and at the same time learn about the plans the negotiators and supporters of the FTAA have to destroy and exploit the region. The youth who gathered together this weekend have lived through the invasion of oil and logging, mining companies and have witnessed the destruction which these companies have caused to both the land itself and the rights of those who live and work the land. This weekend, however, after participating in workshops, lectures, theatrical performances and games about the plans for and dangers of the FTAA, participants were more shocked and furious than ever before. Indeed, none of the more than 100 active and politically involved youth had ever heard mention of the FTAA from any public source of communication, if they had heard of it at all. While the FTAA, should it pass, will effect the youth of the Amazon perhaps more than any other group in the Americas, not a single one of them had been consulted or notified of it's existence. Needless to say, these youth are pissed and ready to organize!

In the final hours of the conference several youth leaders committed to attend a provincial forum against the FTAA on Nov. 4 and to organize delegations from their regions to attend either the protest in Quito, or a smaller solidarity protest in the province of Napo. Others promised to continue the cycle of education by taking this new information about the FTAA back to their families, friends and organizations. The conference ended in a closed circle as each youth took turns reflecting on the experiences of the weekend, closing their comments with a image of hope from taken from the nature which surrounded them. was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on