Stop the FTAA
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Why Nonviolent Direct Action?

What is Nonviolent Direct Action, and Why should YOU take nonviolent direct action to stop the FTAA?

Because it works. Refusing cooperation with injustice may come from a place of conscience or, for some, simply as a tactic and means to an end. Direct Action has been an essential part of every successful social change movement for hundreds of years. In the U.S., movements for the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, labor rights, civil rights, AIDS advocacy, anti-war, anti-nuclear, environmental, LGBT rights, Central American solidarity and animal rights are just a few examples of effective direct action campaign. Well-planned nonviolent direct action intervenes in political processes that exclude ordinary citizens, forcing the issues into the public agenda through the creation of a moral crisis.

Cultural Resistance:

Taking to the streets with giant puppet theater, dance, art, music, poetry, and spontaneous eruption of joy breaks through the numbness of our current society. Corporations are attempting to homogenize us into passive, unquestioning consumers while exploiting and oppressing the poorest among us. We strive to utilize all of our creativity and imagination to create an enduring symphony of resistance. We break new ground as we build promising alliances across traditional divisive barriers established and maintained by the ruling class. Creative civil disobedience intentionally challenges unjust laws that support the status quo. Nonviolence is action. Our challenge is to follow Gandhi's advice: be the change you wish to see. was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on