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For Immediate Release: November 20th, 2003
Contact:    Global Justice Ecology Project 802-578-****
STOP FTAA Media Hotline: 305-576-****

Environmentalists, Labor and Latin American Activists Unite to Form “ECO-BLOC” Against Free Trade Impacts on People and the Earth

Press Conference: Bayfront Park, Biscayne
(under the “Bayfront Park” sign)
Thursday November 20, 2003, noon

Environmentalists, Labor and Latin American Activists Unite to Form “ECO-BLOC” Against Free Trade Impacts on People and the Earth

In a broad show of unity reminiscent of the historic “Teamsters and Turtles” alliance that emerged at the 1999 Seattle WTO protests, labor, ecology , global justice groups and people from Latin America are coming together to march with one voice against the FTAA and Northern-dominated trade agreements.

This “ECO-BLOC” will be a colorful part of Thursday’s march against the FTAA. It will include hundreds of marchers wearing green, waving earth flags, and banners and signs decrying the impact the FTAA will have on forests and rivers, its potential to increase global warming and contaminate food and forests with genetically modified organisms, as well as paving the way for water privatization. The ECO-BLOC will amass at 1:30pm under the “Bayfront Park” sign.

Speakers at the ECO-BLOC press conference that precedes the march include Jorge Coronado from the Popular Encounter in Costa Rica, Magda Lanuza from the Nicaraguan Social Movement, Giulius Aprigio of the Green Alternative Collective in Brazil, Zoila Lagos of the Coalition of Honduran Agro-Industrial and Banana Unions, Alberto Villarreal of the Trade and Environment Program (Friends of the Earth) in Uruguay, Tara Widner, a steelworker and Board member of the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, and Anne Petermann, of Global Justice Ecology Project.

The North American Free Trade Agreement has already cost the U.S. tens of thousands of good paying manufacturing jobs that went to Mexican sweatshops. The environmental destruction and labor abuses in Mexico around these sweatshops have been devastating. Thousands of Mexican farmers have been displaced from their lands due to cheap U.S. grain imports flooding Mexico’s market. The FTAA--called NAFTA on steroids--will accelerate this “race to the bottom,” impacting U.S. labor and the peoples of Latin America, and the earth.

The ECO-BLOC first made its first appearance at the September, 2002 protest against the World Bank in Washington, DC. “The Miami ECO-BLOC is advancing a powerful alliance between labor groups and environmentalists,” stated Anne Petermann, co-Director of Global Justice Ecology Project. “Global Justice Ecology Project, Jobs with Justice and the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment are helping bridge the artificial gap between labor and environmentalists which was created through the ‘jobs vs. the environment’ lie promoted by corporations. This is a false dichotomy. The fact is, we are all in the same boat and the FTAA is the iceberg,” she continued.

The ECO-BLOC will march in solidarity with the people of Latin America who will be impacted by the FTAA. Latin American countries helped collapse the World Trade Organization talks in Cancun, and could also derail the FTAA talks in Miami. “We are here to let the Trade Ministers from Latin America know that there is a significant portion of Americans who oppose the FTAA,” said Karen Pickett, Board member for Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, a network of labor and environmental advocates who have been on a month and a half long “March to Miami” organizing anti-FTAA events across the country. “These Miami FTAA talks could well sound the death knell for the FTAA,” she continued. “Let’s hope so.” was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on