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For Immediate Release: November 20th, 2003
Contact:    StopFTAA Media: 305-576-****

From London to Miami: A Day of
Resistance to the Corporate Empire!

US Trade negotiators in Miami go to plan B for Bi-Laterals as the FTAA unravels surrounded by riot police, tear gas, steelworkers and students

100,000 protest Bush’s War in London, as human rights activists gather in Georgia, USA to shut down the School of the Americas

Miami, FLORIDA — Thousands of demonstrators from all walks of life converged on downtown Miami this morning to stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and stand with peoples’ movements from across the globe for peace, democracy, and an ecological future. Non-violent demonstrators were met with brute force and chemical weapons by the Miami police, who received $8.5 Million in taxpayer money for security at the trade talks as a rider on the $87 Billion Iraq “reconstruction” package. Steelworkers, students, peace activists, farmers, environmentalists, and human rights defenders took non-violent direct action to stop the FTAA and build a future of dignity, democracy, and self-determination for the communities of the Americas, despite a 'police-state' in downtown Miami.

The FTAA is the proposed expansion of the NAFTA agreement to create a 'free trade' area from Alaska to Patagonia, and will result in the privatization of essential public services, like education, heath care, and water. So-called free trade agreements put corporate profit ahead of people and the planet, and accelerate the race-to-the-bottom that erodes human rights. "FTAA is Enron economics for the Americas, part of an Empire-building agenda of corporate rule and occupation," said Adam Hurter of “Today in Miami people marched through the police state to the Fence to rattle the cages of the Corporate Empire. We are here standing stronger than greed or fear, for a world of global justice, ecology and democracy, in solidarity with movements around the planet."

Amidst a sea of riot squads and global justice demonstrators, the FTAA talks themselves are faltering around issues of agriculture and investment, in a breakdown similar to September's WTO collapse in Cancun, Mexico. "The Bush trade team has gone to plan B for bi-lateral, forced to abandon negotiation for the FTAA as a whole because of Latin American nations' opposition and the peoples' resistance across the hemisphere," said Sra DeSantis, an organic farmer and activist with

Demonstrations will continue throughout the day with a massive Peoples' March for Global Justice which stepped off at 2 PM eastern time. More non-violent direct action is planned for this evening and for noon on November 21st, when demonstrators will showcase alternatives at the solidarity-economy bazaar for global justice. was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on