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For Immediate Release: November 19th, 2003
Contact:    NEW HOTLINE: 305-576-****

6:15 am: Puppet Convergence at Welcome Center 2300 Miami Ave

7:00 am: Meet for Non-violent Direct Action Government Center NW 1st and 2nd Ave

MIAMI, FL - Global Justice activists from around Miami, the country, and the Hemisphere are converging to stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) this week, and demonstrate that a better world of global justice and democracy is possible. Protesters from all walks of life have come from far and wide to stop the FTAA, a proposed trade agreement being negotiated this week. “As an expansion of NAFTA to the 34 countries of the Americas, the FTAA will effect every aspect of life, from increasing poverty and inequality, eroding consumer and environmental protections, and privatizing essential services like education, health care and even water. These are issues of life and death. We must stop the FTAA. ” explained Mollie Hurter of

The morning's action starts at 6:15 AM with the celebrated puppet troupe, the Free Carnival Area of the Americas. The troupe is a traveling band of puppets and protestors who are extending a special invitation to media to start off the day at 23 St. and North Miami Ave. by "embedding" in their section of the parade. This will allow reporters, photographers, and camera people to get a unique perspective from inside one of the most exciting parts of the demonstration, the cabal of giant puppets. The Pagent activists will convoy over to Government Center Park, NW 1st and 2nd Ave, where the day's demonstrations and nonviolent direct actions will kick-off with a performance and solidarity statements at 7 AM.

'The joyful, creative mission of the Free Carnival Area is a wonderful juxtaposition to the secretive, closed door meetings of the corporate elite who are writing the rules of the FTAA in their interests," said Jimmy Fishhawk of Gainesville, FL and "And because these puppets are so effective at exposing the corporate power grab, the puppets have been targeted and destroyed by police in previous global justice demonstrations. We are inviting media to embed with the puppet group to see first hand a vision of a world where human need takes priority over corporate greed."

Demonstrations to stop the FTAA will continue all day, as people from across the Americas--trade unionists, environmentalists, students, human rights activists, farmers, anti-war activists and food safety campaigners will march to the famous chain link fence surrounding the FTAA meetings. "The fence is very symbolic; inside, corporations at the American Business Forum are putting our food, water, jobs, and planet on the auction block for the race-to-the-bottom. People with a vision for a better world of democracy and human rights are taking to the street s in Miami to reclaim our future," said Beka Economopolous of

The Mobilization to Stop the FTAA ( is a decentralized, “affinity group”-based structure, made up of people from all walks of life who will engage in nonviolent direct action against the FTAA ministerial meetings in the streets of Miami this week. The mobilization is acting in solidarity with marches, educational events and peoples' movements for democracy, peace, ecology and justice across the hemisphere.

"We are Stronger Than Greed or Fear! United to Stop the FTAA!" was designed and run off software by Radical Designs and hosted on